The PRP service for hair loss started as a hospital based service at the Montefiore Hospital in Hove in January 2023. The service was set up using Emcyte, A US system, which was a high volume double spin protocol to generate a very high concentration of platelets for maximum effect. It was a new system to the UK at that time but as there was good evidence for this method being superior to single spin gel systems I persuaded the hospital to use this system.
Initially everything went smoothly with the original UK distributor but a couple of months in the original representatives left and set up their own company and took over the distribution rights and we moved with them. Then in the summer of 2023 Emcyte, with no notice, decided they were no longer going to use the UK distributor. Their preferred model was direct supply but large institutions like Spire can’t suddenly set up an overseas supplier and Emcyte were persuaded that they needed a UK distributor.
In the Autumn, after I chased up the hospital for the hundredth time, I was informed that one of the original people we had dealt with was the preferred distributor but with a new third company. I assumed that meant it was just a matter of time until we were back up and running. We then heard nothing from this new company. The hospital procurement team have been chasing. I have been emailing and ringing and nothing. I informed Emcyte who reached out and reassured us that everything was moving ahead. And then more silence. I have no idea what is going on but money and the charge for kits now being demanded is part of the problem. The size of the order and shipping costs has also been an issue.
I am meeting with the finance director this week. Of course the hospital could simply add more cost to the procedure but I am very unkeen on this approach or continuing to work with Emcyte and the current distributor unless we have guarantees of regular supply. I am looking for other options or other kits that could work with the same centrifuge that are more competitively priced. I am very aware of the frustration of not having a service available and I am sorry that you have been kept in the dark, as I have been for most of this. Although all patients put forward for PRP have come through my hair clinics, this is a hospital service and it is the hospital that are responsible for ordering the kits, setting up suppliers and dealing with distributors and there is very little I can do. I offered to step in and buy direct from the US and resell at cost to the hospital but I was not allowed to do this. I will keep you all posted.